Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad

In addition to Thanksgiving yesterday, it would have also been my Dad's 65th birthday. Most of you know he passed away July 13, 2006. I miss him terribly and couldn't stop thinking about him yesterday. I miss his sense of humor, his thick Texan accent, and his encouragement. He always made me feel and helped me to believe I could accomplish anything I wanted to. Whenever I wanted to do something or try something new, he would say: "Stormy, have at it. You figure it out, your mother and I support you 100%." He was a huge source of strength to me and still is to this day. When I'm facing something challenging I can always hear his voice in my head encouraging and pushing me. I love you, Daddy. I miss you so much.

THE cutest Mom, ever!!!

So yesterday, I gave a thank-you/ (for ALL of the help my Mom has given me in the past few weeks) birthday gift to her to receive on behalf of my dad. She really enjoyed it and I loved gifting it to her. It was nice to recognize what day it was aside from Thanksgiving and know that he would have devoured the 1/2lb of chocolate truffles I gave to my Mom. :D

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