Stormy and I wanted Sofía to be the first family member to meet Sydnei. It was very important for us that they establish a relationship upfront—although Sofía clearly knows that she's the big sister, and refers to Sydnei as "her bebé." When Sofía walked in the room, Sydeni had a little gift waiting for her: a pink pony with sparkling hooves (right up Sofía's ally). Coincidentally, Sofía, with the help of her Mama Thompson, had a pink teddy bear to give to Sydnei. It was a very sweet moment watching these two meet for the first time; Sofía was so overwhelmed with joy to see her little sister, and, of course, had many questions, like, "Mom, how did Sydnei come out of your tummy?" Yeah, try explaining that to a four-year-old girl. Oh, yeah, and, "Mami, what color are her eyes? Are they blue like mine?" And to top it off with "Mami, can I pet her?"

Oh Stormy and Ryan, what beautiful pictures. I can only imagine how wonderful it was to see the glow in Sofia's eyes to finally have her baby sister here. I look forward to seeing you all very soon.
my what beautiful children you have! what a precious introduction! You can just tell that there are going to be many wonderful years for those 2 together as bffs!
Oh I absoultly love the pic with Sofia when she is holding Sydnei. I can't wait to see Sydnei tomorrow. Sofia was talking about her the whole day on Tuesday. I love you guys so so so much.
Careese Thompson
Hi Staleys, I have learned to leave a comment from Careese. I Love the new pictures on the blog. Sofia opening her present from Sydnei and holding her baby sister Sydnei are just precious. Enough to make MaMa Thompson cry, happy cries of course.
My Sofia and Sydnei are just Beautiful. I will see you all tomorrow after the doctors. Love, Hugs and Kisses to All. MOM/MaMa
Every single time I look at pics of your newest addition, i tear up. EVERY....SINGLE....TIME. I'm so happy for you guys and for Sof. She'll be such a great big sister! And Miss Sydnei is the cutest thing. What a fun time in your life. I can't wait to meet her!
Por fin, ¿eh? ¡Felicidades! Que bonitas son sus hijas.
Congratulations Staley Family! Having a gift from Sydnei was such a great idea. Our little Macie had a train for Tyce when they first met in the hospital...he fell in love right there and then! You have BEAUTIFUL girls. I look forward to many more photos to come!
Ryan & Stormy:
A most tremendous congrats to the two of you!!! Sofia is going to love having a playmate and friend. Perfect! Hold your new babe tight and love her close. She'll learn and grow so fast . . . cherish the moment.
We're so happy for the four of you.
Love, Amanda & Warren
does it get any cuter than that?! oh my gosh!
I can't believe how long Sofia's hair is getting already!
cute cute cute. looking forward to more.
what sweet family pictures. congrats from the barrs!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so happy everything went well. What beautiful girls and darling pitures. You are going to have so much fun with two girls.
Your girls are beautiful!! It is fun seeing Sofia after such a long time. Future Amigos!
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