February 26th we celebrated Ry's b-day. It was so much fun! He had the day off and it was beautiful that day so we set out for some "B-day Brunch" at our favorite restaurant in Portland, Mother's Bistro. After which, we strolled downtown for a couple of hours looking at all the cool sights and shops.

Later that day I took Sofia on a field trip to the Dollar Tree to pick out some B-day balloons for our little family party that evening. You see, Sofia believes every birthday party should be filled with balloons, matching plates, napkins, cups, and even goody bags! We did everything but the goody bags. :) The two balloons in the back are a cupcake-shaped balloon and a Disney Princess balloon. Just perfect.

That evening, I cooked Ryan's favorite meal, Shrimp Alfredo...it was absolutely scrumptious. My Mom joined us that evening and she and Ryan were in hog heaven with all of the shrimp alfredo you could eat! No matter what, I always manage to cook for the 5000--even if there are only 4 of us!

Ahhh, I'm still dreaming of this awesome oreo ice cream cake.

The store was out of the #8 candle therefore we had to improvise. 4+4=8.
So there you go a 2 + 4,4 = 28!

Sofia helped her Papi blow out his birthday candles!

The Grand Finale, two tickets to see one of Ryan's favorite bands: My Chemical Romance. Rock on! Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.
1 comment:
I always think that Ryan is so much younger than I am, but I guess he's only about 8 months younger. Happy Birthday, David Ryan!
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