Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving 2007!

Mommy, Let's See If There's A Box!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Not Your Ordinary Morning Sickness...

As most of you know, during the first trimester most women experience the ever so common morning sickness, which consists of nausea and vomiting. Most pregnant women feel as though they’re going to vomit everything they ingest, or feel as though most odors nauseate them to the point of vomiting. Yet, there is a small percentage of pregnant women (about 0.3% to 2%) who become afflicted with a condition called “Hyperemesis Gravidarum,” which differs from ordinary morning sickness in that those afflicted become extremely dehydrated and continue to loose weight. Three symptoms confirm extensive vomiting: ketosis, weight loss, and dehydration. “Hyperemesis gravidarum is uncontrollable vomiting during pregnancy that results in dehydration and ketosis.”
A women must receive IV infusion of water, glucose, and electrolytes to correct the dehydration. As far as the nausea and vomiting go, well, medication is the best bet. Stormy’s drug of choice is “ ondansetron (Zofran).” The major downside to this medication is the cost — I’ll spare you the price as some of you may feel sick to your stomach, and since this post is about vomiting and all, we don’t want any of that, now do we. Zofran is often administered to cancer patients for similar symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
Stormy’s mom, Carolyn, has always said that Stormy was “special.” Given that only 0.3% to 2% of pregnant women develop this extreme condition, I’d say that’s pretty special —although the experience in of itself isn’t special by any means. Still, it’s a fifty-fifty chance that a pregnant women will develop this condition if she developed during a previous pregnancy. As many of you know, Stormy experienced what some would call a horrific pregnancy the first go around. All the same, and as special as she is, hyperemesis gravidarum is back. Still, Stormy and I were discussing on the way home from the infusion clinic yesterday about the differences in this pregnancy to that of Sofía’s, and Stormy made the comment that the one major difference is that, even though she’s vomiting and dehydrated, she can look at Sofía and smile and feel a little bit better. Sofía has adopted a practice that is quite endearing; she sings “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” whenever mommy isn’t feeling well.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's Been One Year...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sofia is going to be a Big Sis!

Sofia couldn't wait to tell her Papi that Mami had a baby in her tummy. 4 weeks ago--we rehearsed it all the way to Papi's work. We planned to tell him over lunch but the minute Papi got in the car that day, Sofia told him she had a secret. It was a precious moment, one I'll never forget. We're so excited to give Sofia a little brother or sister and bring another precious baby into this world.
While the nausea and vomiting are back with a vengeance, there is something different about this pregnancy. I have physical evidence of the perfect little one that awaits at the end. Sofia is a daily reminder of what all the sacrifice will bring in the end. Each time I vomit or simply feel sick to my stomach, Sofia immediately starts singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She's positive it's the cure to feeling crummy--and quite honestly, it's up there next to the killer nausea medication (most often prescribed to chemo patients). :D
As soon as we get an ultrasound picture, we'll post it. We're so excited for our family to grow!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Blogging Hiatus is now over!

1. | a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc. |
Sorry you guys....stay tuned in the days to come for more!